Africa Healthcare Current News Rwanda: Oklahoma Hospitals to Cooperate With Rwandan Health Ministry June 27, 2013 : A team of 27 people from the City of Oklahoma – Mercy Hospitals – is in the country to assess possible cooperation between the Hospital and four leading Rwandan…
Africa Healthcare Mobile Health New study reveals limited eHealth regulation in sub-Saharan Africa June 25, 2013 Press Release: A year-long study on eHealth Regulation in sub-Saharan countries shows that they have much to do to catch up with global good practices. Few have specific regulations for…
Africa Healthcare Mobile Health Improving the Routine HMIS in Nigeria through Mobile Technology for Community Data Collection June 24, 2013 By Ime ASANGANSI et-al: Decision makers in many developing countries lack the required data needed for evidence-based health management. One reason for this is that the routine national health management…
Africa Healthcare Telemedicine Botswana: Orange Roll Out Telemedicine June 24, 2013 Orange Botswana and the Ministry of Health (MoH) have signed a three- year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to roll out M-health services to more than 19 villages across the country.…
Africa Healthcare Telemedicine Tanzania: Improved Mwaya Pre-Natal Clinic Wins Residents' Hearts June 22, 2013 BY JAFFAR MJASIRI(Tanzania Daily News ): The pre-natal clinic offered at the improved health centre in Mwaya Division, Ulanga District is winning hearts and minds of many residents in the… Pages: 1 2
Africa Healthcare Current News Global Health DVD optics for on-the-spot HIV testing June 21, 2013 By Tim Hayes: Early diagnosis of HIV infection is a key factor in subsequent treatment, so any new route to a reliable blood test is attractive. Even better would be…